Badger贝吉獾 放轻松软膏(肌肉酸痛膏) 21g 冰凉型

  • 关键字:
Badger贝吉獾 放轻松软膏(肌肉酸痛膏) 21g 冰凉型


  • Badger贝吉獾 放轻松软膏(肌肉酸痛膏) 21g 冰凉型
  • 产 地 美国
  • 库 存暂时缺货
  • 适用皮肤所有皮肤
  • 销售星级 meethallmeethall

你可以很容易就看見肌肉放鬆膏和肌肉放鬆按摩油對治療肌肉酸痛的成效. 薑和西班牙紅辣椒萃取是主劑可以放鬆肌肉, 檸檬, 迷迭香, 薑的香味可以加強紅辣椒萃取的功效. 玫瑰果, 金盞花萃取有撫平肌膚的功效, 同時也提供溫和熱敷的柔軟肌肉的功能.

運動前用可以幫助肌肉做好準備, 預防運動傷害.


不管是來自工作的, 玩樂的, 休閒的肌肉酸疼, 關節緊繃, 它都可以幫助你身體提高的自癒能力, 讓你的肌肉快速的恢復疲勞.


取適量塗抹於任何須要舒緩的肩膀, 手臂, 腳部肌肉或關節等處加以按摩,全身皆適用

100% 天然成分!绝对无任何人工色素添加剂!

100% Natural
96.84% Certified Organic Ingredients

Sore Muscle Rub Cooling Blend - oriental style - with the big three "C’s": Camphor, Cajeput a nd Clove, to penetrate a nd soothe. Add Peppermint & Eucalyptus - a nd you’ve got the makings of a spectacular cooling pain soother a nd muscle calmer that’s a great support for deep breathing as well. This type of penetrating herbal formula has been a favorite of athletes a nd martial artists for centuries.

Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Beeswax, Castor Oil, Essential Oils of Organic Eucalyptus, Organic Peppermint, White Camphor, Organic Cajeput, & Organic Clove.